I was given this product as a birthday present from my family members. I was using this spray everyday for weeks and I was amazed by how well the spray covered up my thin hair patches. This spray worked so well that my husband found out that I was using it and began using GLH spray on himself. Our children saw us using it every morning and were just as amazed about this spray as my husband and I were. Everything was going great. Then one morning, everything went wrong.
My kids were getting ready for school and I was putting on my daily pound of GLH, (also a bad thing about this spray, you have to put a pound of it on your head if you have blond hair before you notice any changes) and my daughter came into my room and asked if she could help me spray the hairspray onto my bald spots for me. The only thought that went through my head was, “Aw! How sweet! She wants to help me!” I immediately regretted my thoughts.
Instead of spraying the bald spot on the top of my head, I was sprayed in the mouth and eyes with GLH spray. I was choking and screaming, “I’M BLIND, I’M BLIND!” Not only did that make my husband drop the eggs he was cooking in the kitchen, fall on his face and cause a bloody nose, then come running. The thought of going blind gave my daughter an anxiety attack, causing her to pass out. My husband immediately picked up the phone and dialed 911.
“My wife is going BLIND because of some hairspray!!” my husband screamed into the speaker.
Soon enough I was taken by helicopter to the hospital, where I stayed for seven days. Over those seven days, I had two surgeries, and four nights in the ICU. Apparently I had an allergic reaction when the spray got into my eyes, causing my eyes to swell up and go blind in my left eye. When I got home, my daughter was incredibly relieved that I was somehow still alive, yet both her and I are forever scared of the hairspray product and will NOT continue to use it. If you or someone you know use this spray or plan on using it, I suggest you be very careful of where you spray this violent product on your body.